General Information for Analyzer
First of all, there's actually a webpage which describes how to write and run a PHENIX analysis module on a PHENIX nDST (or DST, pDST, etc). It's in the PHENIX offline software tutorials area at
Look for the "Striped Analysis Module Example." I'm not totally sure that it is up to date, but if you send me any problems that you encounter I will fix and update things. Also send me any questions that you have because the goal is to have a complete set of documentation that will allow a new PHENIX member to come in and get themselves up to speed with a minimum of fuss.
I think the model we'll follow for the analysis will be a lot like what the Heavy Ion people do. Since there will 16 TB of nDST, the most I/O efficient way to do this will be to have people write their analysis modules to be added to the "AnaTrain," and there will be regularly scheduled AnaTrain passes over the full 16 TB dataset. People should develop and debug their analysis modules using ~ 10% of the full dataset The "Striped Analysis Module Example" I mentioned above should tell you how to develop the analysis module. The debugging I leave to you....
To do your code development and get access to the PHENIX nDSTs, you should log on to either CCJ or RCF. To log on to CCJ, use the gateway, and then log on to linux1 or linux2. To log on to RCF, go to and then log on to any interactive machine (rcas2061 to rcas2079). Just try not to use rcas2078 or
rcas2079 too often since that is what I typically use :)
For Analyzer at RCF
run5pp_v02 RCF dCache file list is here;
run5pp_v02 good run list here;
run5pp_v02 bad run list (not produced beacause of at lease one calibration info lost(dchcal, padcal, pbscgainscal, teccal, pbglqa, pbglcal, padreset));
Run5pp_v02 nDST (CNT, PWG) files are now available on CCJ disks :
CNT_ERT (2.1TB),CNT_MinBias(1.8TB) on CCJ local disks (ap119~148)
PWG_ERT,PWG_MinBias on CCJ nfs disks (ccjnfs11:/data41~43 ccjnfs12:/data44~45);
PWG_ERT_pro72 , PWG_ERT_pro73 (8.1TB)
PWG_MinBias_pro72 , PWG_MinBias_pro73 (6.8TB)
If you are on RCF, the nDSTs are kept in "dCache" file system. Be sure to add the following in your .login on RCF if you want to access dCache:
setenv DCACHE_RA_BUFFER 2097152
This should speed up the dCache access. The physical filename of ndst were registered into FROG database. (On 2005/Dec/20, all ndsts were registered.) You can utilize the FROG file catalog in your root macro;
> root
root> gSystem->Load("");
root> FROG fr;
root> char* filename = fr.location("CNT_Photon_run5pp_v01CCJ_pro68-<runnumber>-<segment number>.root")
Useful Links
PHENIX Offline
Run05 Production
CCJ info (CCJ Main Page)
(User's Guide) Interactive nodes: linux1,linux2 (avoid linux3/4 --> redhat 8)
Interactive nodes: rcas2061-rcas2079,
Created by Mickey.
Modified by Hisa