AFS: mirroring from RCF
Mirroring of AFS trees to a CC-J local file system
- /afs/rhic/… etc. is daily mirrored to a CC-J AFS server (Linux kernel 2.2.3) from the RCF server.
- CC-J Linux machines mount the file system of the CC-J server via NFSv3.
- With this environment, pisa and PHENIX off-line modules (PHOOL etc.) have been successfully built from CVS source kits.
- The same environment of the R&D and execution of the PHENIX software as RCF
- We don’t need to use AFS clients (kernel version still limited) or arla, which is still unstable, for each linux node.
- Because /afs/rhic/… is daily mirrored to a local disk, users are not directly affected by bad connectivity between CC-J and RCF.
The CC-J AFS server will also serve as a server for domestic AFS clients. This is also being tested.