UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! ★ PBSの実行環境 "Dimuon PYTHIA" (Not PBS) Dimuon PYTHIA executable; /ccj/u/hayashi/cvs/event_gen/bin/linux/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 10123685 May 12 02:11 pythia.taketani.990510* /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/dimuon/pythia_mdcj: directory run.pl: a perl script to run dimuon-pythia It reads parameter files under para/ directory and compare with "finish.list". If a parameter file has not been processed, it initiates dimuon-pythia with that parameter file. para/ parameter files data/ output of dimuon pythia, (hbook file) *.hist, (pisa input) *.dat log/ log files events/ pisa input files (moved from data/ to here) (example: to submit as PBS job) qsub -o job48.output -e job48.error -q sim_exe < perl_run 48.ccjsun.riken.go.jp [CAUTION: However, this "run.pl" is not designed for PBS. It occupys CPU until all jobs in para/ directory has been completed.] "central arm PISA+STAF(resp)" /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/phnxsink/pisar: directory pisa_dir.pl: It creates /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work/RC*1v18 and copies all necessary inputs. It also does necessary modification on each input file. pisa_submit.pl: It enters each "RC*1v18" directory, and submit "job_script" to PBS que. pisa_run.pl: A perl script called in "job_script". It executes PISA. staf_run.pl: A perl script called in "job_script". It executes STAF response chain. It will set "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" as "$home_disk/phnxreco/pisar/analib:$home_disk/phnxreco/pisar/syslib:/usr/local/root-2.00/lib:/ccj/u/goto/mdc/lib/linux:/usr/local/lib"; pisa_tran.pl: A perl script called in "job_script". Move (rcp) PISA+STAF output files to safe locations. job_script: Template for "job_script". See a following example. (example) /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work/RC01v1/job_script hostname cd /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work rm -fr /work/hayashi/RC01v18 cp -rd RC01v18 /work/hayashi cd /work/hayashi/RC01v18 ln -s /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work/RC01v18/flukaerr.dat . ln -s /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work/RC01v18/job.error . ln -s /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work/RC01v18/job.output . ln -s /ccj/w/r01/hayashi/mdcj1/work/RC01v18/last.kumac . ln -s /ccj/u/goto/mdc/events/pp_200_pyt_250_jet_cent_2_5_sq1_051099.dat pythia.dat chmod 444 core perl pisa_run.pl #rm cvspisa perl resp_copy.pl perl staf_run.pl>staf.output #perl resp_remove.pl perl pisa_tran.pl "muon arm PISA+STAF(resp)" /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/phnxsink/pisar.muon: directory perl scripts are same as "central arm" case, except its working directory created at "/ccj/w/r02/hayashi/...". "central arm reconstruction (STAF reco)" /ccj/u/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs: see [ccj-wg-335] for detail. http://www.rarf.riken.go.jp/rarf/rhic/ml/nmlist/phenix-ccj-wg/0331.html "muon arm reconstruction (STAF reco)" reco_submit.plを実行すると$fileListName (=muonFile.990522)から 実行すべきprdf等を定義し、job_script.plをPBS que (=sim_exe)へ投入する。 /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/phnxreco/reco.muon: -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 12084 May 20 22:15 job_script.pl* -rw-r--r-- 1 hayashi rad-lab 4489 May 22 21:30 muonFile.990522 -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 1727 May 22 21:30 reco_submit.pl* Outputは、 /ccj/w/r02/hayashi/mdcj1/work/dst /ccj/w/r02/hayashi/mdcj1/work/dst_log /ccj/w/r02/hayashi/mdcj1/work/dst_root におさめられる。 "summary file" Following perl scripts were used to generate summary. /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/dimuon/pythia_mdcj: logsum.pl: create summary for "Dimuon-pythia". pisadonsum.pl: create summary for "pisa+staf". (check.pl:) pisadonlog.pl: create summary for "pisa+staf". /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/phnxreco/reco.muon: -rwxr-xr-- 1 hayashi rad-lab 8236 May 29 20:56 jobSummary.pl* -rwxr-xr-- 1 hayashi rad-lab 344 May 24 10:34 jobSummarys.pl* "jobSummary.pl" called by "jobSummarys.pl". So, normal usage is like: jobSummarys.pl /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central4/central990520Jobs4-0???.log for central arms reconstruction jobs (new .log format). /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central3/central990520Jobs3a-00??.log /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central4/central990520Jobs4-0???.log /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central5/central990520Jobs5*-0???.log -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 9703 May 29 23:32 jobSummary_old.pl* -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 348 May 29 23:39 jobSummarys_old.pl* for central arms reconstruction jobs (old .log format). /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central1/*.log /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central2/*.log /ccj/w/r01/yokkaich/mdcj1/jobs/central3/central990520Jobs3-*.log -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 8750 May 30 00:35 jobSummary_muon.pl* -rwxr-xr-x 1 hayashi rad-lab 349 May 30 00:17 jobSummarys_muon.pl* for muon arms reconstruction jobs (old .log format). /ccj/u/hayashi/mdcj1/phnxreco/reco.muon/muon.990522/muon.990522-*.log