Proposal for a Simulation at PHENIX Computing Center in Japan (CC-J)
                                  Date: 22/12/01   (DD/MM/YY)

To: the Planning and Coordination Office of CC-J

Title : Single particle MC production for run-1
        Lambda and Anti-Lambda analysis.

PWG : Hadron PWG

Liason:   H. Ohnishi
Name :    H. Ohnishi
Tel/Fax : 631-344-7053
E-mail :

Person responsible for the job submission:
Name :    H.Ohnishi
Tel/Fax : 631-344-7053
E-mail :

Person responsible for the quality assurance:
  Name :     H. Ohnishi
  Tel/Fax :  631-344-7053
  E-mail :

Estimated CPU time required : 10000 hours (with PentiumIII 450MHz)

Estimated disk space usage required : 500 GB

Estimated HPSS space usage required : 500 GB

Target date for completion :  31/01/02   (DD/MM/YY)

Purpose and merit of the simulation including kinds of events being
simulated :

The analysis of Lambda and Anti-Lamda spectra and yield
in sqrt{s_NN} = 130 GeV are now on final stage for publication.
The final missing item is to understand reconstruction efficiency
of Lambda or Anti-Lambda in the PHENIX spectrometer.
The analysis plan are written as follows.

1) generate single particle MC events of Lambda and Anti-Lambda
   to get acceptance correction factor and reconstruction efficiency.

2) Embedded single particle MC into real events to evaluate
   the loss of efficiency due to high multiplicity in spectrometer.

This simulation job is critical item to publish
Lambda and Anti-Lambda.