Title : Monte-Carlo Calculation for Pizero Analysis PWG : Photon Liason: CNS Name : Ken Oyama Tel/Fax : +81-48-464-4407 E-mail : oyama@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp Person responsible for the job submission: Name : Ken Oyama Tel/Fax : +81-48-464-4407 E-mail : oyama@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp Person responsible for the quality assurance: Name : Ken Oyama Tel/Fax : +81-48-464-4407 E-mail : oyama@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp Estimated CPU time required : 4000 hours (with PentiumIII 450MHz) Estimated disk space usage required : 10 GB Estimated HPSS space usage required : 0 Target date for completion : 30 / 04 / 02 (DD/MM/YY) Purpose and merit of the simulation including kinds of events being simulated : The purpose of this calculation is to extract pizero yield for several centrality bins. The real data (Year-1 v04 DST) analysis had been done along the previous proposal and succeeded. But it was found that further monte-carlo calculation with higher statistics is necessary to get efficiency factor for high pT (> 4 GeV/c) pizero momentum. After this is done, the fully corrected pizero yield from 1 to 5 GeV/c will be obtained for several centrality bins.