Research Plan at RIKEN CC-J Date: 05/09/04 (DD/MM/YY) To: the Planning and Coordination Office of RIKEN CC-J Reseach Subject : Analysis of Jet Production A_LL (PHENIX official or not : no ) Person responsible for this reserch: Name : Ken'ichi Nakano Tel/Fax : 1-631-344-2256 E-mail : Person responsible for the job submission: Name : Ken'ichi Nakano Tel/Fax : 1-631-344-2256 E-mail : Other collabrators in this research subject: Name : tel/Fax: E-mai: Summary of this research (10-100 lines) The aim of this research at CC-J is a generation of simulation data and a comparison with RUN3 pp data for an analysis of jet production A_LL. The goal of the analysis is to obtain A_LL of jet production at particularly high-pT region. pT of jet is calculated as the sum of pT of photons and charged particles. Jets are identified with thrust. Some parameters for event selection are determined by the comparison of thrust distribution between real data and simulation data. Estimated CPU time required : 11000 hours (with Pentium III 1GHz) Estimated disk space usage required : 0.5 GB Estimated HPSS space usage required : 0 HPSS band width for above estimate : MB/s Target date for completion : 20/09/04 (DD/MM/YY) Plan for the publication of this result (if possible)