To: the Planning and Coordination Office of CC-J

Title :  Test DST production for EMCal Calibration
PWG :    Photon

Liason:  CNS
Name :   Takashi Matsumoto, Hideki Hamagaki, Ken Oyama, Gabor David,
Tel/Fax : +81-3-5841-4620
E-mail :

Person responsible for the job submission:
Name :   Takashi Matsumoto, Ken Oyama
Tel/Fax : +81-3-5841-4620
E-mail :,

Person responsible for the quality assurance:
  Name :  Takashi Matsumoto, Ken Oyama
  Tel/Fax :+81-3-5841-4620

Estimated CPU time required : 960  hours (with PentiumIII 450MHz)

Estimated disk space usage required : 100  GB

Estimated HPSS space usage required : 0

Target date for completion : 20 / 11 / 00 (DD/MM/YY)

Purpose and merit of the simulation including kinds of events being
simulated :     It is not for the simulation study but the real data analysis
for global survay to study the calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter.