Current HPSS hardware configuration
- IBM RS6000-SP
- 5-node (silver node: Quadruple PowerPC604e 332 MHz CPU/node)
- Core server : 1, Disk mover : 2, Tape mover : 2
- SP switch (300 MB/s) and 1000BaseSX NIC (OEM of Alteon)
- A StorageTek Powderhorn Tape Robot
- 4 Redwood drives and 2000 SD3 cartridges (100 TB) dedicated for HPSS
- Sharing the robot with other HSM systems
- 6 drives and 3000 cartridges for other HSM systems
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Alteon ACE180 switch for Jumbo Frame ( 9 kB MTU)
- Use of the Jumbo Frame reduces the CPU utilization for transfer
- CISCO Catalyst 2948G for distribution to 100BaseT
- Cache Disk : 700 GB (total), 5 components
- 3 SSA loops (50 GB each)
- 2 FW-SCSI RAID (270 GB each)