CPU benchmark summary

CPU benchmark Summary

Compilation of the CPU benchmak result in relation to the project. The numbers in this page are taken from public WWW servers etc. (Some numbers may be obsolute)

Preliminary estimage based on the total PHENIX CPU estimate can be found here


Table of the performance of recent CPU 
(SPEC CPU2000 - recent benchmark test)

                                 SPECint2000  SPECfp2000
  Pentium III   1 GHz               428        314
  Pentium III 933 MHz               410        305
  Pentium III 933 MHz (Dell 420)    398        284
  Pentium III 850 MHz               367        268
  Pentium III 800 MHz (Dell 420)    361        260
  Pentium III 700 MHz (Dell 410)    307        205

  Alpha Ev6 667 MHz (DS20E)         413        514
  Alpha Ev6 500 MHz (DS20)          300        383
  Alpha Ev5 533 MHz (AS4100)        176        176
  Ult. sparc-2 400 MHz (E450)       225        274

  IBM Power3 375 MHz (RS6000/SP)    248        300

Table of the performance of recent CPU 
(SPEC CPU95 - old benchmark test)

			    Specint95   fp95
   Alpha(Ev6)	667MHz		36	67
   Alpha(Ev6)	500MHz		26.9	52.2
   Alpha(Ev5)	600MHz		18.0	27.0
   Alpha(Ev5)   533MHz          16.6    21.9

   PentiumIII    700MHz        33.8    23.5
   PentiumIII    600MHz        29      21.1
   PentiumII   450MHz          18.5    13.3 
   PentiumII   300MHz          11.6    8.15
   PentiumPro    200MHz         8.6    6.48
   PentiumPro    200MHz         8.6    6.48

   Ultra Sparc  450MHz		19.6    27.1
   Ultra Sparc  300MHz		12.1    15.5

   PowerPC 604e 350MHz          14.6     9.0 
   PowerPC 750  266MHz          12.4     8.4
   PA-RISC 8200	200MHz	   	14.6	23.0

   PentiumII	300MHz          11.6    8.15
   R10000	195MHz          10.7     19

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13 Sep 2000 T.Ichihara (ichihara@riken.go.jp)